31) fluid leakage (liquid leakage): the phenomenon of the electrolyte from the battery.
32) pool internal positive and negative state; the formation of the electrical pathway is mainly due to the destruction of the diaphragm, mixed with conductive impurities, the formation of dendrites and other cause.
Internal short circuit (internal shortage): electric 33) Charge (charge): the use of external power to the battery voltage and capacity increases; electrical energy into chemical energy.
34) charge characteristics (charge characteristic): demonstrated by the battery charging features, such as charging curve, charge capacity, charge rate, charge depth, the charging time.
35) the charging curve (charge curve): when the battery charge voltage versus time curve.
36) Overcharge (over charge curve): the process continue to charge more than the prescribed charge termination voltage; the battery life be affected.
37) The constant voltage charging (constant voltage charge): constant voltage, rechargeable battery, the charging process. In general, the constant voltage charge termination voltage. Generally set the termination current, when the current is less than the value of the end of the charging process.
38) The constant current charging (constant current charge): In the constant current charging the battery charging process. Generally set the termination voltage when the voltage reaches the value of the end of the charging process.
39) the capacity density of electricity (capacity density): unit mass or volume of the best release for general use mA,? H / L, or mA? The h / kg.
40) The energy density (energy density): the energy per unit mass or volume that can be released from the general with W? H / L of or W? The h / kg.